praiseLive Africa
PraiseLive provides programming on FM Affiliate Stations and a satellite that blankets the continent with praise, prayer, and God’s Word. PraiseLive is more than a content provider; we are a trusted partner serving, uniting, and empowering affiliates to be the hands and feet of Jesus so that every tribe and nation can experience Jesus together!

Love in Action Outreach in Africa

The generosity of praiseLive listeners on Giving Tuesday 2023 funded a new transmitter for an affiliate station in Bodoma, the Ashanti Region of Ghana. This initiative was done in partnership with Theovision International. The transmitter was installed in 2024. Now the community enjoys the worship music and ministry on praiseLive Africa and the Theovision Bible translation in their own language.
In July 2024, Africa Director, Fredua led a team of listeners from Kumasi, Ghana to Bodoma to meet the community, take gifts, serve and worship along with them in their Bible Listening Group. Together through this #LoveInAction outreach lives were impacted for eternity.
Your support is literally helping spread the gospel to every tribe and nation one community at a time.

On Giving Tuesday in November 2023, Charlotte shared the story of Regina Haikali, a brave lady who started the You Can Education Center to house, feed, and teach children from disadvantaged backgrounds in her village of Endola, Namibia. Although the local community supports the home, resources were needed to continue caring for over 60 kids who attend the school.
The praiseLive listening family came together to support Regina and the kids she serves. $4,800 was raised! Through this #LoveInAction collaboration of generosity, in January 2024 an extra classroom with separate toilets, a room for caregivers, and new floors in the sleeping rooms were added. And the whole center has a new touch of paint. Thank you for your support!

Listen in Africa
Accra, Sunny 88.7 FM
Obuasi, Shaft 98.1 FM
Kumasi, Spirit 88.3 FM
Nkwanta, Beyond FM 90.7
Tamale, Bishara Radio 97.7 FM
Asamankese, Nkonim FM 93.7
Bolgatanga, Word FM 88.3
Zombia 106.3
Lilongwe 106.3
Mzuzu 106.3
Mchinji 96.7
Dowa 93.9
Karonga 91.4
Blantyre 90.6
Mangochi 105.7
Ntchisi 90.7
Thyolo 101.8
Dedza 98.5
Gabu, Evangelica FM 92.4
Marshall, VOX Radio 97.5
Rivercess, Echo Radio/Voice FM
Louisiana, Montserrado, LUX 106.5 FM
Nampula, Radio Graca 90.5 FM
Sierra Leone
Freetown, Believers Broadcasting Network (BBN)
Kabala, Shalom Radio 89.5 FM
Dapaon, La Grace Divine 93.9 FM
Bassar, Radio Reveil 97.9 FM
Namibia National 33FMs, Channel 7
Arandis, 102.8 FM
Aranos, 102.0 FM
Aroab, 102.3 FM
Buitepos, 88.1 FM
Duineveld, 102.3 FM
Gamsberg, 88.1 FM
Gobabis, 92.4 FM
Gochas, 99.3 FM
Grootfontein, 107.0 FM
Grunau, 102.0 FM
Henties Bay / Baai, 102.8 FM
Kalahari, 89.1 FM
Kamanjab, 92.8 FM
Karasburg, 102 FM
Karibib, 98.7 FM
Katima Mulilo, 102.6 FM
Keetmanshoop, 100.7 FM
Klein Waterberg, 97.7 FM
Koës, 101.9 FM
Kombat, 107.0 FM
Leonardville, 103.2 FM
Luderitz, 102.8FM
Maltahohe, 101.6 FM
Mariental, 100.8 FM
Noordoewer, 104.4 FM
Okahandja, 102.3 FM + 104.5 FM
Okakarara, 97.7 FM
Omaruru, 98.7 FM
Ondangwa, 90.9 FM
Oranjemund, 104.4 FM
Oshakati, 90.9 FM
Otavi, 107.0 FM
Otjiwarongo, 95.5 FM
Outjo, 102.3 FM
Rehoboth, 104.5 FM
Rosh Pinah, 102.0 FM
Rundu, 101.8 FM
Soutblok, 101.6 FM
Stampriet, 102.8 FM
Swakopmund, 98.4 FM + 102.8 FM
Tsumeb, 107 FM
Tsumeb Dorp, 103 FM
Twee Riviere, 88.1 FM
Uis, 102.3 FM
Usakos, 98.7 FM
Walvisbaai, 98.4 FM + 102.8 FM
Windhoek, 102.3 FM + 104.5 FM
Witvlei, 92.4 FM
Luderitz, 102.8 FM
Okahandja, 104.5 FM
Omuthiya, 103.0 FM
Ondangwa, 90.9 FM
Oranjemund, 104.4 FM
Oshakati, 90.9 FM
Outapi, 94.3 FM
Rehoboth, 104.5 FM
Swakopmund, 98.4 FM
Walvisbaai, 98.4 FM
Windhoek, 104.5 FM

We broadcast in the Middle East and North Africa via STN satellite.
Southern Africa Sat.
SES Astra 4A at 4.8°E
Frequency: 12565 V
Northern Africa and Middle East Sat.
Eutelsat 7 West A at 7.3°W
Frequency: 11354 V

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