Over three years ago, my husband passed away after a lifelong alcohol addiction. I loved him through that, as hard as it was. When he passed came my "dark night of the soul." Although I knew God was with me, I could feel satan telling me to "give up this life, that my husband was gone, why did I feel I still needed to be here?" My depression grew until one day, coming home from work, I turned on my car radio. My regular rock station was static, so I searched and found praiseLive! The songs comforted me in a way I hadn't felt comfort for a very long time. I guess you can say I found my NEW "Rock" station! I keep it on at work, at home and in my car. Satan's whispers are becoming fewer as my grief is also dissipating to a more tolerable level. Praise God, He has not forgotten me and thank you, praiseLive!