30 Day Refresh


A fresh start is just around the corner for all of us. As we look ahead to a new year, it’s time to think, pray and make some new goals. Perhaps growing closer to God is one of your goals. Jeremiah 29:13 says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Join PraiseLive as …

Order Looking For The One


Looking For The One is short stories about people experiencing Jesus in grocery stores, hospitals, and dugouts. Each story models walking with Jesus as He finds the lost through you. As you witness the power of the gospel in your every day life, you discover that the first life to be changed is …

Take One for One


We have the opportunity to impact our world through evangelism and prayer. PraiseLive invites you to take one for one. Here’s how it works…each day take one minute to pray for one person in a specific area. Today, let’s pray for

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