Take One for One

Take one for one - Take one minute and pray

We have the opportunity to impact our world through evangelism and prayer. PraiseLive invites you to take one for one.

Here’s how it works…each day take one minute to pray for one person in a specific area.

Today, let’s pray for

  • Monday: Those working at small businesses, in large companies, at financial institutions and the entire marketplace.
  • Tuesday: Specific family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers who don’t yet know Jesus.
  • Wednesday: Churches, pastors and ministry leaders to effectively share the Gospel to everyone they encounter.
  • Thursday: Global and government leaders to lead with integrity.
  • Friday: Para-church organizations and global ministries to be strengthened as they reach the lost.
  • Saturday: Teachers, principals and schools to represent Jesus well as they invest in the next generation.
  • Sunday: African nations, communities, cities and villages in their work to bring stability, safety and progress to those they serve.